Policies and Procedures
Policies of Berks Gymnastic Academy
School Year Program Sept-June
Registration fee is $30.00 annually per child. The payment date will be the child's anniversary. THIS IS NON-REFUNDABLE.
PAYMENT IS DUE THE FIRST of each month. A $5.00 late fee is applied to each child’s account not paid by the 7th of each month. Students are not permitted to return until payment is made. Class payments are NON-REFUNDABLE so your commitment is for at least a month. Please note that NO MONEY will be returned if the student discontinues part way through the session. Credit may be given for extenuating health circumstances when approved by the office. If a refund is given, there will be a $10 service charge. Our returned check fee is $20.00
WITHDRAWING from or DROPPING class at any point prior to June requires a 2 week WRITTEN or ONLINE NOTICE. If no written notice is given, there will be a $25 withdraw fee. If you are registered between the months of September and June, you are enrolled in BGA’s school year program. This procedure assures you of constant placement in class and gives BGA the opportunity to fill your position if you decide to discontinue. This is only fair to both parties as well as students on the waiting list.
MAKE UPS - BGA allows you 1 make-up per month. MAKE-UPS MUST BE SCHEDULED IN ADVANCE, either on the parent portal or in the office, and MUST BE TAKEN IN THE MONTH MISSED. If you do not show up for your make-up class, you may not reschedule again. No credits or refunds will be given in lieu of make-ups.
BGA’s insurance is strictly secondary coverage. Your primary insurance MUST be used if the need arises. If your primary carrier does not cover something, only then will it be submitted for coverage to our insurance company less the deductible.
Rules and Regulations of Berks Gymnastic Academy
We at BGA take pride in providing a safe, healthy and fun environment for your child’s fitness and gymnastic development. It is most important that one follows the rules at BGA since it is most imperative for the safety of everyone. Gymnastics is a beautiful sport and as in any sport, gymnastics carries a risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the gymnast and coach are, no matter what height is used or what landing surface exists, the risk cannot be eliminated. Risk includes minor injuries and in very rare cases catastrophic injuries. Please review these rules periodically with your child so they are reminded of the importance of safety and following directions.
Social Media
We may at times, post pictures on our website or Facebook page. If you would NOT like pictures of your child posted, please inform us in the office. We will not attach names with the pictures without permission.
General Rules
1) No entry to the floor or on any equipment by non-students will be allowed.
2) No student is permitted on the equipment without an instructor at any time. Equipment includes (but not limited to) spring floors, wedges, barrels, mats, trampolines, bars, beams, vault and pit.
3) No Running. RUNNING IS UNACCEPTABLE, except as directed by the coach.
4) No gum chewing is permitted during class. Gum chewing can cause choking.
5) Remove all jewelry prior to class, including earrings. We are not responsible for lost articles.
6) Leotard or shorts and tees shirts are the preferred clothing. Loose clothing or bare midriffs are not permitted. In many activities, loose clothing gets in the way of spotting.
7) Long hair must be tied back. Loose hair could get caught in the equipment. Vision could become blocked.
8) Respectful social behavior is expected of all students. Unacceptable behavior includes cutting in front, pushing, hitting, bad language, bullying, etc. Participants who are continually disruptive will be asked to leave.
9) If you leave class, you must tell the instructor. This includes going to the bathroom or leaving early.
10) If you feel unusual pain or discomfort, it is your responsibility to tell your instructor immediately.
11) When class is dismissed, no under-age student is permitted to leave the building without a parent or guardian. Students waiting to be picked up must wait inside the building.
12) If a class is less than 3 students, class will be a half hour, semi-private lesson.
Trampoline & Pit Safety - Trampoline and Pit are in most cases, the gymnasts favorite. These events can be extremely dangerous without proper supervision and strict adherence to the safety rules.
1) No bouncing on your own is permitted.
2) Bounce only in the marked areas of the trampoline.
3) Bounce on feet & bottom only. Head first can cause neck and spinal injuries.
4) When jumping into the pit, feet entry only. Head first can cause serious injuries.
5) No flipping unless supervised.
6) No one enters the pit until the child in front of you is out of the entrance area.
Thank you for taking the time to review these rules. Review this from time to time.
Your and your child’s safety is always our goal.